Looking Back (Short-Eared Owl)
Another perch shot in evening sunlight. Hard to believe that I have been photographing these guys for over 20 years now. I always look forward to these winter encounters with them as they have brought me a lot of joy over the years.
The Dark Female (Short-Eared Owl)
Love the wing position on this one. One of the cool things about short-eared owls is that they can range in colour like this bird from very dark to almost white.
Resting in The Grass (Short-Eared Owl)
Picture Tells a Story (Short-Eared Owl)
Lots of people out at the venue yesterday enjoying the calm conditions and good light. Flickr folks please left click for more detail.
Third Trip (Short-Eared Owl)
Here is an image from our third trip to the mainland yesterday. Still lots of shortie action to be had.
In Evening Sunlight (Short-Eared Owl)
A short-eared owl takes a break from hunting on a low piece of driftwood in the marsh.
Dreaming of Northern Hawk Owls
It has been raining steadily now for the past few days so I thought I would tidy up a couple of images from the archives with some new filtering. Here is one of a rather popular northern hawk owl taken in Maple Ridge BC back in 2019. I was reminded of him at Christmas as his face has made it onto a 2025 calendar given to me by my sister in-law as a gift.
Coming Straight at Me! (Again)
It's funny how short-eared owls tend to do that. Or any owl for that matter.
Last Flight of The Evening (Short-Eared Owl)
A lovely light colored male short-ear makes a final flight catching the last rays of sunlight on its underside as it glides past me.
Better Eye Contact (Northern Harrier)
They always seem to be looking down. Caught this image in a sequence where the male harrier glanced at us before gliding by while on his hunt.
Grey Ghost (Male Northern Harrier)
Had a short visit at the venue near the end of the day from the grey ghost. I have also heard the term "Grey Ghost" apply to a great grey owl as well. Must be confusing for some people.
Incoming! (Short-Eared Owl)
Another leftover from last month that never got posted. Must have just caught it in between showers judging by the raindrops. This one taken on the lower mainland at the end of November.
Female Short-Ear Portrait (Short-Eared Owl)
Merry Christmas! (Snowy Owl)
I know that somewhere there will be a white Christmas this year. All the best of the Holiday Season to my Facebook and Flickr friends who tuned in and left comments and Faves in 2024
Propeller Bird 2024 (Short-Eared Owl)
I get one of these every now and then. Thought you might enjoy it.
December Bluebird (Mountain Bluebird)
A mountain bluebird, out of season, swoops down from a crabapple branch to snatch an unsuspecting bug.
Snowy Owl Environmental
A little something to break the monotony. Taken at Boundary Bay a gazillion years ago. A juvenile snowy owl flies low over the salt marsh during a hunt.
Waspinator (Northern Shrike)
On a sunny day at the Nanaimo Estuary, a northern shrike casts a long shadow as it hunts for hornets amongst the driftwood.
Taking a Break (Short-Eared Owl)
A light-feathered male short-eared owl perches atop an ancient stump in the salt marsh, taking a well-deserved rest following its hunt.
Wing Dip (Short-Eared Owl)
Thought this one was kind of pretty. With just a hint of environment.
Single White Male #2 (Short-Eared Owl)
A wings up version with more body detail and a somewhat tighter crop.
You Can Bank On It (Short-Eared Owl)
A male short-Eared Owl Makes a hard bank to the right during a hunt in the rain.
Single White Male (Short-Eared Owl)
This male bird is very white and has very little pigment in his body. The female short-ears are darker with more orange plumage.
Rainy Day Short-Ear (Short-Eared Owl)
It rained a bit at the venue yesterday but not enough to stop the short-eared owls from hunting and us from having a great time.
First Mainland Trip Since January (Short-Eared Owl)
Lots of shorties over on the mainland. I am very sore this morning from my trip but happy with the results. It is once again "The Year of The Short-Ear".
Out of Season (Mountain Bluebird)
An out-of-season mountain bluebird has been lingering around the venue for the past few weeks. This is a rare occurrence, as we typically see bluebirds only in the spring. Initially, it was presumed to be a female, but it is more likely an out-of-season juvenile male.
Interesting Head Position #2 (Short-Eared Owl)
The landscape Version.
Interesting Head Position (Short-Eared Owl)
Must have her eye on Pius who is standing farther along the hedgerow..
Say "Hi!" On Your Way By (Northern Harrier)
A female northern harrier gives us a casual glance as she glides by us at Nanaimo Estuary. I have often heard it said that harriers are the most owl like of all hawks. You can really see the resemblance in her face.
Watching Out For Ravens (Short-Eared Owl)
A female short-eared owl keeps a close watch on some ravens flying near by over her head.
Last Leaf of Autumn 2024 (Short-Eared Owl)
I really love some of the dynamic poses that short-eared owls make when they hunt.
Looking Back (Short-Eared Owl)
Loved the pastel colours in this one.
Short Ear Environmental (Short-Eared Owl)
A female short-eared owl flies low during a hunt over some colourful autumn swamp grass..
Flying Head (Short-Eared Owl)
Just when you thought that Halloween was over. Kind of looks like a flying Jack-o-lantern.
Full Frame Shot (Short-Eared Owl)
This image is not cropped in any way! Posted this to show how close you can get to a short-eared owl before you cut off the wings at 800mm. Did not have time to switch out the 2X on the 400mm. I may do the bare 400mm at a later time as a comparison but it would probably be just marginally sharper. I may even be able to manipulate it a bit more in post to make it indiscernible from the bare lens. Flickr folks please left click for full detail.
Autumn Leaf Background 2024 (Short-Eared Owl)
This owl flew straight at us as we stood out at the venue today. Totally unexpected and no time to change out my 2X teleconverter. Had to do a few acrobatics to try to keep it in the frame. The most fun shooting in a long time! Flickr folks please left click for more detail.
Extremely Close Encounter (Short-Eared Owl)
Pius and I had a great time out at the venue today. Almost got run down by a short-eared owl. Have only had a couple of experiences like this in the past but not for many years. He was so intent on hunting that he did not see us until he was 15 to 20 feet away before finally veering off. Flickr folks please left click for maximum detail.
Tower of Power 2024 (Short-Eared Owl)
Loved the tri-colour background on this one. Enjoy!
Wings Up Version (Short-Eared Owl)
I think this image is a bit closer than the wings down one. Enjoy!
Flying Towards The Camera (Short-Eared Owl)
We had this one owl that hunted continually for over an hour yesterday. She came by pretty close a few times before continuing on her hunt. Please left click for more detail.
Portrait Shot (Short-Eared Owl)
Here is one with some better eye contact. Went down low on one knee in order to get a continuous background.
A Well Deserved Rest (Short-Eared Owl)
Took this image today as the short-eared owl decided to take a break from hunting on an old driftwood stump out near the ocean. The owl had been hunting non stop for nearly an hour.
Tail Up! (Northern Harrier)
Out at Nanaimo Estuary, a female northern harrier attempts to stabilize herself after landing on a nearby fencepost.
Unexpected Visit (Northern Harrier)
While I was chatting with Dave Pley, a female northern harrier popped through the hedgerow and landed about 30 feet away on an old post. An unexpected pleasure!
Helicopter Mode (Northern Shrike)
A northern shrike hovers momentarily while hunting for insects in the brown fall grass.
Dreaming of Snowy Owls
Other than a one day sighting on someone's roof down island I have not seen a snowy owl in the wild for over a decade. Sure would be nice to get a few shots of one or more of them out in the field this year. This particular image was taken during the great snowy owl eruption of 2012. We did pretty good with our 16MP DSLR cameras back in those days.
Close Encounter #2 (Bald Eagle)
A similar shot to the one I posted a few days ago. Really liked the head position on this particular image though for some reason. Flickr folks please left click for more detail.
First Northern Shrike
Saw my first northern shrike of the fall out at the local estuary this afternoon. This looked to be a young one as it was mostly brown in colour and did not have the usual grey with black and white accents.
Close Encounter (Bald Eagle)
My consolation prize today for not finding any short-eared owls out at the local estuary. Got fairly close to this immature bald eagle. Wondered if he may have been a rehabilitated bird that had been released as he did not seem to have any natural fear of man. His tail still has a way to go as regards being totally white so I would guess he is probably about 3-4 years old.
Unexpected Flight Shot (Northern Pygmy Owl)
I have been holding on to this one for a few weeks now and wondering if I should post it. I was set up for portrait photography at the time and the bird suddenly jumped towards the cliff. The motion blur does give a sense of how fast these little guys can move though.
Smile For The Camera! (Short-Eared Owl)
Another image that was never posted from last year. Taken hand-held with the 400mm and 2X teleconverter. Enjoy!
Winter Raptor Season Approaches! (Short-Eared Owl)
Winter raptor season should be starting in the next month or so. Can't wait! Here is a short eared owl shot from last year that was never posted. The 2X teleconverter performed quite well on the 400 F/2.8.
Pygmy On The Rocks #2 (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Landed very close to us in order to snatch up a grasshopper.
Fall Colour Background (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Another great performance by the northern pygmy owl. I was concentrating more on static shots today and still managed to have a great time! Background is fall maple leaves and arbutus trees. Flickr folks please left click for more detail.
Sideview Wings Down (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Here is a wings down version of the same owl after he launched. Wings down is my favorite.
Sideview Wings Up (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Had a lot of fun at the venue yesterday. Plenty of happy photographers.
Might as Well Jump! (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Sorry, the light was a bit harsh at the venue yesterday.
Looking Back (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Another pic from "The Money Tree". Flickr folks please left click for better detail.
On The Down Stroke (Northern Pygmy Owl)
This image taken from a few days ago. The background is a bit busy but I liked the detail on the bird so decided to post it anyway.
Pygmies Love Grasshoppers (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Pygmies have been known to drop down right at a photographer's feet to snatch up one of these guys.
Yearly Gathering 2024
Photo friends gather near Nanaimo to shoot the elusive northern pygmy owl.
Pygmy Projectile #2 (Northern Pygmy Owl)
People seemed to like the first one so here is another bullet shot with both eyes towards the camera. Enjoy!
Cliffside Closeup (Northern Pygmy Owl)
A quiet moment at the edge of the cliff while hunting for grasshoppers. Flickr folks please left click for better detail.
After Another Grasshopper (Northern Pygmy Owl)
A bit of a crop on this one but still not too bad. In this image the pygmy owl dives to the cliffside after spying another grasshopper. Managed to get this image just a little while before the rain started.
Wings Straight Out (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Oops! Found one more in the sequence I thought you might like.
Towards The Camera Wings Down (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Here is another one in the same sequence with wings down. Don't know what it is about my A1 but I always get more wing down shots than anything else.
Better Eye Contact (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Managed to get a few more straight on shots today as the pygmy owl burst off of an old dead tree top to dive into the valley.
GIving Me The Stink Eye (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Sometimes these guys look like they are really staring me down or are ticked off for some reason. Can't imagine why?
Pygmy Projectile (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Another one for the "Bullet Bird" album.
Pygmy Environmental #2 (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Another environmental image. This time with the pygmy in flight. Hope you like it. Did not think that I had managed to get this image as these guys are like the lazuli bunting and can be wicked fast and unpredictable.
My Favorite (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Couldn't believe I got this image as for some reason the focus was off and on again today. Here is one of the more successful photos in the series.
A Bit Closer (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Got a closer wings up shot as the pygmy owl flew a short distance to reposition himself on another tree.
Pygmy Environmental 2024
The bird only hung around for a few minutes this morning before flying up higher in a position with a white background. Too bad as down low there were no shadows until the afternoon when the sun burnt the low cloud away.
Pygmy Sky Shot (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Phew! at first I thought I had blown out the eye brows! Here is something you don't see every day.
Flickr folks please left click for more detail.
Coming in For a Landing (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Lots of flight shots to be had this year for some reason.
Eye on The Prize (Northern Pygmy Owl)
A northern pygmy owl dives down from an arbutus tree to scoop up an unsuspecting grasshopper on the edge of the cliff. Flickr folks please left click for more detail.
Grasshopper! Where? (Northern Pygmy Owl)
A northern pygmy owl hunts insects close to the ground on an old dead tree branch.
Curious Expression (Northern Pygmy Owl)
The pygmy owl cocks his head to one side trying to figure out what all the people with the big camera lenses are staring at.
Money Tree Shot 2024 (Northern Pygmy Owl))
What a pleasure! Have not shot the pygmy owl on the Money Tree in good light for a couple of years now. A very cooperative bird with fun being had by everyone at the venue today.
Flickr folks please left click for better detail.
Top Down View (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Another photo taken from the edge of the cliff a couple of days ago.
Pygmy on The Rocks (Northern Pygmy Owl)
You won't see this every day. Normally the pygmies like to be in a tree or a small bush but you rarely get them on open ground. This photo taken right at the edge of a 200 foot cliff just before he dove into the valley.
Wings Down Version (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Sorry, bit of a heavy crop on this one. These guys looking a bit frowsy. Not sure what is going on. Possibly in the molting stage?
Pygmy Owl in Flight (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Went out on the edge of a cliff for this image. Managed to catch a few stray frames as the owl flew a short distance from one tree to another. Like photographing lazuli buntings only faster and more unpredictable.
Rainy Day Pygmy (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Rainy day pygmies always seem to know when it's time to call. At times a little chilly at the venue today with a bit of rain coming down.
Close Up Portrait (Northern Pygmy Owl)
The northern pygmy owl came quite close today. Haven't seen or heard him since May. Nice to have him visiting the local venue once again.
First of The Season (Northern Pygmy Owl)
Nice to see our little buddy back at the usual venue.
Belted Kingfisher Side View
Another nice one from yesterday's shoot at French Creek.
Screamin' Kingfisher (Belted Kingfisher)
Had some fun today with Dave and Pius at French Creek photographing a belted kingfisher.
Wings Down in The Sage (Lazuli Bunting)
Last lazuli shot for this year, I promise! A better background on this shot with more of the typical vegetation found around the Tranquille River.
Zipping Through The Scrub (Lazuli Bunting)
Found one last flight shot of the lazuli bunting flying at high speed through the scrub in the desert. They are whippy fast and somewhat unpredictable. This shot taken near the Tranquille River just outside of Kamloops. Better late than never I guess.
Golden Light Snack (Common Nighthawk)
During the time of golden light as the sun sets a common nighthawk snatches a fly out of the air
A Splash of Colour (Swallowtail Butterfly)
Taken on our butterfly bush in the front yard a couple of summers ago. They aren't showing up as regularly as they used to.
Thanks for the Explore Flickr! I was not expecting that for this image! A big thanks to everyone who faved or left a positive comment. It is most appreciated.
Owl in The Headlights (Great Grey Owl)
Here is one last image of the great grey owl we encountered in the B.C. interior this spring. Turning his head for a couple of seconds to check us out while he hunted from his evening perch.
Little Mountain Red Crossbill
An environmental shot from a couple of days ago.
Tough Light (Common Nighthawk)
Here is another photo of one of the nighthawks that was flying in our neighborhood last night. A bit harsh because of the light but probably the best bug shot of the evening.
Night hawks are a type of Nightjar similar to Whip-poor-wills. They spend most of their life on the wing traveling or feeding on insects.
Nighttime Feeding Frenzy (Common Nighthawk)
The nighthawks were going crazy in our neighborhood last night with a couple of hundred birds feeding on a sudden evening hatch of flies.
Night hawks are a type of Nightjar similar to Whip-poor-wills. They spend most of their life on the wing traveling or feeding on insects.
Little Mountain Sooty Grouse
Managed to get a couple of quick shots of a sooty grouse just below the cliff resting in a fir tree today on Little Mountain.
Last Shot of The Day (Great Grey Owl)
This one cooperative adult great grey owl perched for us for several minutes on our first night in the BC interior. We got lots of great portrait shots and a much better background last thing in the evening. In the end, we thanked the owl leaving it perched on that branch. Although we made several visits to the area after that, there were no owls to be found. One day can make all the difference.
Coming in Hot! (Lazuli Bunting)
You may wonder why a lot of my perching shots are taken at such a high shutter speed. I am always hoping for flight shots like this one and these guys can be wicked fast and unpredictable. Desert and sage brush background.
Trailhead Guardian (Lazuli Bunting)
This male Lazuli bunting seemed to always be there to greet us at the beginning of the Tranquille River Trail near Kamloops.